As an Open Source community, we have a Blockchain panel for the Open Free Web.
Blockchain technology is predicted to change the web as we know it. Our panelists are working on our future, applying blockchain technology within the realm of an open web by building fair publishing environments and enhancing open source communities.
Solving the monetization issue with a fair rewarding system is an important problem blockchain can solve. Another one would be protecting us from fake news. But there is much more, as we will learn from this panel.
Panelist quotes
Blockchain technology fascinates with its deeply democratic and open approach. It can dispense intermediates, prevent data abuse and eliminate data silos and therefore will revolutionize many industries. It is the technology which will enable a complete reboot of the internet as we know it.
Ingo Rübe (CEO Bot Lab).
Blockchain infrastructure allows content creators, readers and other participants to build a trusted relationship. It introduces a mechanism of community governance to protect readers from undesirable contents, such as fake news. The use of smart contracts guarantees the safe allocation of rewards and payments, offering a unique experience where the wealth generated is fairly and exclusively distributed to the network participants.
Gagik Yeghiazarian (CEO, Co-Founder Publiq).
Blockchain technology allows building solutions for tokenized economies, In Open Source communities this can introduce a better engagement rewarding system. Members can receive incentives for creating code, content and organizing (offline) events. Organisations can seed communities with budgets, charge for membership or accept individual contributions.
Taco Potze (Co-Founder Open Social).
This Panel will be moderated by Audra Martin Merrick, a board member of Drupal Association.
Also see our blog on this panel at Medium: The Inspiration of our Blockchain Panel