The Dutch Drupal Association connects Dutch Drupal professionals, agencies, users and (potential) businesses. We do this by organising events DrupalJam (450 people), SplashAwards (initiated in 2014) and Drupal Training Day (200+ students, now Drupal in a Day). Mainly run by a team of volunteers, organizing these (successful) takes up the bigger part of our (free) time.
Creating more adoption for Drupal to increase business potential, is an important value we would like to add to our local partnership program. This means we need to establish the brand Drupal within a large business audience (outside our own) and tell the world about the wonderful stories that happen in open source. All the great cases and wonderful things happening in the open source ecosphere, built with and around Drupal are great stories to tell. With the Promote Drupal initiative underway and our partners call on us to invest on increasing awareness, we ramped up on marketing and are starting to increase awareness for Drupal even further.
This session will cover:
How we are establishing brands for Splash Awards, DrupalJam and Drupal.nl
How we established marketing goals and work toward them
How we Not loose sight of the local development community
How we employ a marketing professional
How we connect with business and marketing platforms
Imre Gmelig Meijling is chair of the Dutch Drupal Association and contributed to Drupal since 2006. He has worked for various agencies in The Netherlands and Belgium, creating Drupal adoption within regional and international organisations . Besides being a Drupal volunteer, Imre is commercial director at LimoenGroen in Amsterdam.